Yes you heard me!!! Marcy Diamond might not be signing to L.S.E Inc.
Here is the story Dexter "Mr. Net" Net has offered Marcy Diamond a front line position with L.S.E Inc. on June 11th.
Mr. Net & Marcy Diamond have come to terms to meet and discuss her involement with L.S.E Inc. when a chain of unlikely events have struck Marcy Diamonds personal life. Marcy Diamond was in a very unfortunate car crash when her signing date was due. So now that Mr. Net's head liner for Urban modeling has been postpone Dexter "Mr. Net" Net has a choice dose he continue to wait for Marcy Diamond and show compasion for her current situation or dose Mr. Net live up to his name as the most uncompasionate person in the business. Only time will tell....
I for one would love to see Marcy Diamond & Dexter "Mr. Net" Net work together on the same team.
This is Jazzy J. with L.S.E news bief
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